Her wonderful next door neighbors John and Susan offered repeatedly for her to come to their house where they have a wood stove which keeps them warm without electricity. She kept declining their offer, and last night we all had a sleepless night because Mom insisted on spending the night in her own cold home as the temperatures dropped below freezing outside. John had seen electrical crews working nearby and we all hoped that meant her power would be on soon.
But this morning I called to see how she was doing, and the tone of her voice told me without my having to ask that her power was still not on. She was freezing and miserable. I was determined that she would not spend any more time alone in that cold house. She promised me she would eat something and then she would go next door to the neighbors. When she got there the neighbors said she was pale, very cold and crying - it was a little frightening.
Shortly after she arrived my good friend Sue (different Sue from Susan the neighbor), whom I had called the night before, arrived to check on her. She reported to me that the neighbors were taking very good care of Mom. She was sitting bundled warmly in a blanket next to the wood stove sipping a cup of tea. She was starting to feel a little better. My sister Jozi had planned to pick up Mom about 1:00 and take her on some errands and out to eat to get warm. Sue arranged that later in the day after the errands were done Jozi would bring Mom to Sue's house to spend the night.
I got a call a few minutes ago letting me know that Mom had arrived at Sue's with her bag to stay overnight. Sue has a spare room and was more than happy to have Mom come stay with her. Sue said they are "going to party" so "don't call too early tomorrow." :)
The neighbors will help Mom get her house warmed back up once the power comes back on.
Mom lives about an hour and a half away from me, and I would have been glad to go get her myself. But Clay and I do not have room in our apartment for guests, so we would have had to look for a hotel room for her.
It's such a relief to know that Mom's neighbors and my friend Sue and my sister Jozi are watching out for Mom and she's warm and safe. Thank you!!
I am thankful and relieved to know your Mom is in a warm place tonight. She has been in my prayers as you know and I'm so glad she has chosen to let others help her! Praise God! As a friend of mine at church said to me tonight, we all have things that God can teach us through the effects of this storm. 'Looks like your Mom aced her lesson! :-)
Aw, I love it when neighbours take care of each other.
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