Monday, March 16, 2009

Farewell, Dear P-I

Our newspaper, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer will print its last paper edition tomorrow after 146 years of publication. I can’t express how sad this makes me feel. This paper has been the voice and historical record of a community for longer than any of us has been alive.

The P-I will continue online. For a paper with less than 120,000 print subscribers it ranks in the top 30 online newspaper venues in the country. They will be enhancing the online presence of course. Can they make it profitable? Only time will tell.

I am sad for all the people who lost their jobs. Where are those people going to find newspaper jobs these days? Only 20 of 180 newsroom staff members were retained to work on the web version. They hired 20 new sales staff for the web.

It is true that the P-I is not Seattle’s only major newspaper. The Seattle Times remains ... for now. Our subscription will be automatically switched over to the Times on Wednesday. But of course the Times is not the P-I.

Tomorrow’s last P-I will be a very special commemorative issue. They are promising 20 to 24 pages of photos and stories on the P-I’s 146-year history. We live in a large apartment complex and the paper comes to our door out in the hallway. Walter is planning to get up extra early to bring in our paper tomorrow so no one steals it before we can get to it. We will be saving that issue.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Doing My Civic Duty

Have you ever been called for jury duty? I have several times. I served on a jury when I was 21 and living in Olympia. It was a week-long criminal trial and the charge was indecent liberties. Deliberation went on quite a while but eventually we convicted the defendant. I believe he got a 30 day suspended sentence.

I have since been called for jury duty once in Kent (at the Regional Justice Center) and once or twice to the downtown King County courthouse. Each of these times I was lucky if I got called up to serve on a panel of jurors to be picked for a particular trial. I spent most of my time just waiting to be called for something. A couple times I was called to a panel but was not needed or excused for some reason. The rule in King County is that if you do not end up on a jury within the two days of your jury summons you are finished for that summons. But if you are selected for a jury you serve for the length of that trial.

A month or so ago I received a Jury Summons for March 4th and 5th. I showed up at 8am bright eyed and eager to go, but not expecting to be chosen. I was expecting yet another experience of just hanging around waiting to be called for something so I brought my book and prepared to be bored. This time such was not my fate. In fact, my name was the third name (of about 200) called that morning. I was Number 3!! What does that mean? Well in this case it meant I was in Seat #3 in the jury box for the first trial called. After voir dire (the process where they ask the jurors a bunch of questions and eliminate some) I was still there. In Seat #3. And that's where I still am. And the judge explained that this was a 3 week trial!

To say the least, I was shocked to be sitting in that seat and in that position. If you ever get called to jury duty, here is a tip for you. Bring your calendar! They ask you who would have a hardship if they had to be there every day for the length of the trial. And you have to give specifics. Fortunately I knew most of my calendar in my head. I told the judge about doctor appointments and a recent skin cancer scare for my Mom. He made me call my sister and ask her to take Mom to the appointments, which I did. So many people try to get out of jury duty for whatever reason that they are really sticklers about it being a real hardship before you can be excused.

The good news is that the length of our trial seems to be overestimated and it looks like I will serve only a few more days. Also, I'm getting my exercise in walking back and forth between the courthouse and my office a couple times a day.

The King County Courthouse is a pretty cool old building, and I must admit that I love looking at the architecture when I enter on the Third Avenue side of the building. The elevator lobby is beautiful and quite unique compared to anything else I've seen. There are also some murals on the walls of the main hallway on the first floor.

The photos above are from the ceilings in the third-floor entryway. This is where you stand in line to go through security. It can take a few minutes, so it's nice to look up and have something beautiful like this to ponder. The photo below is the first floor elevator lobby. By the way, it's not just the first floor elevator lobby that is this beautiful, all the floors are similar in the central elevator lobby area. I have not yet taken any photos of the murals on the first floor. I may have to photograph them and share those later.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Spring Ahead - In Winter??

Don't forget to set your clocks back tonight!

Twice each year when the time changes I always recall which direction to move my timepieces based on the old sayings "Spring Forward" or "Fall Back". But it occurs to me that we now "Spring Forward" when it's still winter. That seems a little crazy to me. Good thing Walter sets most of our clocks.

I get a little cranky about losing an hour of sleep at this time, but of course in the Fall I love that I get it back.

Many people use this clock setting time to take care of some other twice-annual tasks such as replacing batteries in smoke detectors. Whatever is your tradition I hope you get to bed a little earlier tonight so you will be nice and refreshed tomorrow to accomplish what you need to do. Happy Time Change.