Friday, September 07, 2007

Can You See the E?

As I posted back on the 18th of August Walter lost some ground with his eyesight when the doctor took away the antirejection drops Prednisolone. Since then his sight has been sometimes up and sometimes down, but not back to where it was before August 1st even though he has returned to using the drops. His most recent appointment was on Wednesday.

To give you an example of what I mean by "up and down," when the doctor's assistant gave Walter the quick chart exam at the beginning of his visit Walter was not able to make out the big E at the top of the chart. Obviously he knew what it was but if he didn't know he would not have been able to make it out.

After the assistant left the room we had a few minutes to wait for the doctor. During that time Walter yawned causing tears to flood and "water" his eye. After he did that he was able to see the E. So how well Walter's sight is doing seems in part due to moisture levels. He has drops he uses for moisture (an artificial tear gel) and he's also taking Restasis so there's nothing new to add there.

Walter's doctor agreed that we have lost some ground. He adjusted Walter's meds some more and he will go back on the 21st. In the meantime I try to be extra watchful for hazards that Walter might not see himself.

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