Friday, July 06, 2007

Mrs. Pike Pigstein

My first Pigs on Parade post showed a picture of Mrs. Pike Pigstein. Hers is the first pig picture at the top of that post. She's actually a pretty intricate pig with 100 small scenes painted on her back in commemoration of the 100 years of Pike Place Market. She also has a cute wig that kids like to play with.

You will notice in the first picture that Mrs. Pike P is facing the street. Well a couple weeks ago someone turned her around so she is facing the building and now you can see that she also has a smiley face on her behind!

This morning as I was walking past the symphony hall on my way to work there was a stylish 20 something woman walking ahead of me. When she got to Mrs. P she swung her arm and gave her a nice big *smack* right on the behind and kept on walking. It was too funny! That gave me a nice big chuckle to start my day. And I'm sure Mrs. P. didn't mind a bit. She kept right on smiling...

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