Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Extra Happy Halloween

Did everybody have a Happy Halloween? I did. In fact, it was a really super day, no thanks to any planning on my part. You know how some (including Oprah) recommend you keep a gratitude journal and list 5 things you are thankful for each day? It's the kind of thing I always intend to do, but never actually get around to. But at the end of yesterday I had been blessed in so many ways I found myself spontaneously making just such a list. Here is my "I'm thankful for" list from yesterday:
  • Many great friends. I received no less than 4 email messages from close buddies who always brighten my day when they write
  • A fun Benihana birthday lunch which included good food and good company
  • A beautiful crisp fall day - such a great time of year
  • A trick or treat visit from friends Kristina, Elena and Aiden (see pictures below)
  • Some excellent news on a work project (a longstanding software issue resolved)
  • General Halloween fun times with friends at the office - some people are so festive
  • Dinner out with my hubby and spying little trick or treaters at the mall
  • Candy!
Thank you to Kristina for bringing Elena and Aiden to trick or treat at the office. It was a real bright spot in my day. Here are a some pictures:

This is Elena showing me the cash she got at trick or treat at her daddy's office (Elena needs to give me some trick or treat lessons!)

Here is Aiden saying "Happy Halloween!!"

Even mama Kristina looked too cute not to take her picture.

Thanks for coming to visit!


Christina said...

It took me two flipping hours to get home by bus October 31. I was almost in tears rehearsing my "sorry mom came home too late to take you out trick or treating" speech. However, my husband had a hot meal at the ready and in fifteen minutes I was ready to go.

My Halloween got better when I took my son out trick or treating. We went with some neighbours up and down the street, met new neighbours. My son told people he was the Douglas Fairbanks Zorro, because Douglas Fairbanks was the first Zorro. This pleased me immensely. Then near the end of our short trip my son was bragging about his loot -- he put in some candy already from prior Hallowe'en festivities to make it look like he went on the town -- and had me carry his bag while we went from house to house.

The Coz said...

Wow, I can only imagine how stressful it would be to think a bad commute might ruin trick or treat for your child! I'm glad it turned out so well. Yay for hubby getting a jump on dinner! Your son sounds so happy and resourceful. He had the perfect attitude for Halloween!