Thursday, December 06, 2007

Trip to Oly on Monday

Our trip to Olympia on Monday was a bit of an adventure as that was the day the local storm was in full force. Driving down we experienced lots of rain and wind. The experience involved a bit of white knuckle driving as we made our way down I-5 through low spots full of standing water, rooster tails that surprised us by covering the windshield beyond visibility, and winds that pushed the car to and fro. We were thankful that the new Honda has new tires on it so we didn't have to worry about hydroplaning as much as we would have with the Saturn. On the other hand, it has a higher profile than the Saturn so we felt buffeted by the winds a bit more.

We made it to Olympia safely though, and were happy to discover that Mom's power had returned the evening before. We picked her up from Sue's house and took her off to her doctor appointments. By the time we left at the end of the day the storm was subsiding and fortunately Mom's power was still on. We left her at her home secure in the knowledge that she would be safe and plenty warm.

Mom's appointments went fine. Yesterday she went back to the eyelid surgeon for a follow-up and he said everything looks great. If you look closely at this photo you will see that she has a bit of a shiner under her right eye. That's from the surgery, I promise. No one popped her. :)


Christina said...

I am glad to read that your new car served you well, your mom is healing in a dry, well-lit comfortable place, and that you're in a state-of-normal.

Anonymous said...

I am glad all is ok, just keep going

The Coz said...

Thanks Christina! Well it's as normal as it gets for this time of year anyway. :)

Thanks to you too, Roddy. It's great to hear from you!
