I got an excited voice mail from my sister Pitas today. My nephew Boyboy and his wife Roxanne became the proud parents of little boy Niko at 4:25 this morning. Boyboy was exhausted when he called his mother so she didn't have the full details from him yet except that everybody's happy and healthy. Congratulations Boyboy and Roxanne! And welcome to the world little Niko!
Update 6/23/07: Niko's arrival time was actually 4:21am. He weighed in at 7 lbs 15 ozs and is 19-1/2" in length. The birth was a bit more difficult than expected, but mom and baby are fine. I will share pictures as soon as I can get them.
So you want to have three?
"Three is the new two" responded a friend of mine when soliciting feedback
on the idea of adding another child to our flourishing brood. Later on, I
came t...
11 years ago
Congratulations to you too "Auntie"! :-)
New babies are so much fun to have in the family.
welcome to the world, Niko Esmile!
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