Each year the local bankruptcy community (lots of bankrutpcy lawyers) puts on a fundraising event. This year they called it the Dollars and Cent$ Cabaret. The evening consisted of: a silent auction; a live auction of fancy desserts (can you imagine paying $350 for dessert?!) and other items including dinner parties and Mariner boxes; a jazz pianist during cocktail hour; and a rock band "The Deadbeats" composed entirely of bankruptcy attorneys plus one judge on drums. I was fortunate to receive an invitation to attend this $125 per plate dinner for free. It was a really fun evening - those bankruptcy attorneys know how to party! And all the money went to such a worthy cause.
You can see some pictures and video from the event by clicking this thumbnail:
What a fun time, Carm. I loved the bidding video! One question, what did the $125 meal consist of?!
I thought the bidding was really fun! I actually bid on a silent auction item but didn't get it. I didn't have the kind of bucks to bid on the live auction items but it was a kick watching all these attorneys throwing their money around for a good cause.
The meal was delicious - I don't know the names of the menu items but there were tender asparagus and darling little baby squashes about an inch or so in diameter. The entree was a very tender chicken dish with a wonderful topping/coating that tasted like some kind of apricot marmalade. Yum!
I wish I knew of CENT$ before. Thanks for telling me. I didn't know you volunteered at such an agency. For close to a decade I've been really interested in consumer education, particularly consumer credit education.
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