In the week between Genora's surgery and her follow-up appointment Cathy and Genora had lots of time to hang out and go window shopping. One day they were at WalMart and they happened to be looking at the silicone breast enhancers that women sometimes use to enhance their breast size.
While they were looking at the silicone breast enhancers another woman was there too. She started a conversation with Genora and Cathy by telling them she had just had a lumpectomy and that's why she was looking at those. Surprised, Genora told her she had just had a mastectomy. The woman said "well then you will need a full prosthesis. These won't be sufficient for you." And she proceeded to tell Cathy and Genora about the perfect store where they would want to shop and told them exactly where to find it.
According to the woman this shop had everything a woman needs who has breast cancer. Bras, prostheses, gowns, wigs, etc. On Friday after Genora's follow-up appointment they went there and had a great time. Genora got 2 prostheses (one for day, one for night) and 6 bras. And Medicare paid for all but 30%. Cathy says Genora now looks great in her clothes again and one side looks just like the other.
When they saw what good quality the wigs were, Genora became less fearful of the possibility of chemo. And of course Cathy fell in love with the most expensive wig in the store and wants to get one for herself.
Cathy was astounded that they just "happened" to run into this woman in Wal-Mart. Cathy had planned to help Geonra find a store to get a prosthesis, but she was just going to look in the yellow pages. That may not have yielded as good a result as what they found by way of this woman's recommendation. As Cathy so aptly put it, "God works in mysterious ways!"
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