Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Quiet on the Blog

It's been quiet here because things have been hectic in life. Mom saw doctors on Monday and Tuesday and she's still feeling pretty bad. Her back is killing her and her pain medication makes her too nauseous to eat much of anything although she is hungry. At my request doctors ordered new medications today. They took x-rays of her back and she doesn't have a fracture. Physical therapy will visit tomorrow and hopefully they can try some back massage. I sure hope something works for her soon. No one should be in constant pain like that.


Christina said...

I'm sorry. This must be agonizing for you both.

The Coz said...

Thank you Christina. It is very difficult. I'm doing everything I know how to for my Mom. The only thing I can't seem to do is the one thing I want ... to take her pain away. Thanks for your good thoughts for her. Hopefully something will turn around soon.