Saturday, May 13, 2006

Eyesight Optimism

Clay's recovery from the corneal transplant and lens replacement is going well. For quite some time he was having problems with dryness and roughness on his eye and that caused really poor vision. Last month his doctor put in a contact bandage which although it only stayed in two days seemed to help. Then the doctor switched him from regular liquid artificial tears to a gel drop type of tears. Those stay in the eye longer.He takes those 6 times a day along with all his other eye drop medications. The new gel drops have helped to keep his eye smooth and moist and the doctor was very pleased when he saw Clay this week. He doesn't have to go back for a month.

Clay's sight has definitely improved. It's amazing the difference really. When we are out in public he no longer hesitates walking around. Instead of lagging behind at the mall because he doesn't want to go too fast and run into something he charges ahead dragging me along if we are in a hurry. No fears that he will accidentally run into someone or something I guess. He still has about 15 stitches in his eye so there's quite a ways to go on the healing. Hopefully it will continue to go well. At this pace it's going to be pretty exciting when he gets new glasses to see what he can see.

The only problem is that he now complains about aging because he can see the lines and wrinkles in his face in the mirror. I'm afraid I haven't been as sympathetic or supportive as he would like because I have the perspective that "wow, isn't that a miracle that you can see those lines!"

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