Sunday, March 05, 2006


Clay and I went to a bowling night party sponsored by my law firm last night. There was good food (as usual at firm events), bowling, pool, prizes, and some karaoke. When people weren't singing karaoke a DJ played some great music. It was a pretty good time for all. Well, I should say it was fun for most of us. I was almost over a cold and feeling pretty good, but I'm afraid Clay was coming down with the cold he caught from me. He was not feeling so great. Put that together with very dim "mood" lighting" and his eyesight not in great shape, and just dipping up a plate of food proved difficult.

It's always fun to hang out and visit with friends though. Matt was there and Susan. And Doxey's wife Cynthia came to the party with Clay and me. Doxey couldn't make it because he was climbing a mountain (what else is new). But he encouraged Cynthia to come (and bring Lil Giuseppe) and I'm really glad she did.

You can see from the picture that Clay and I have a hard time keeping our eyes open when getting our pictures taken. I promise, we had not been partaking of the contents of those bottles in the background.

Here are a few pictures of some of my buddies.

Matt and Cynthia (Cynthia also has a hard time keeping her eyes open for pictures)

Susan - demonstrating why it's rude to flash a camera bulb in someone's eyes just before they take their shot (sorry Susan!!)

Here's Drew, Angie and Matt - aka the Three Musketeers (MuskeBowlers?)

And here's Edwin, Marguerite and Edith having a good time:

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