Friday, November 25, 2005

Diega and Corky Come to Visit

Last Saturday my sister Diega and her boyfriend Corky came to Seattle for a visit. They live across the water in Port Townsend, and it had been about 15 years since Diega has been to Seattle, so this was a special occasion indeed! We had a great time playing tourist in our own town.

Here is a photo of Diega and Corky at Pike Place Market in front of a stand that sells peppers.

And here they are with a nutcracker from the Nutrcracker March. We saw three different nutcrackers between the waterfront and my office. A quick check online reveals there are 50 of them scattered about downtown. This may require a digital camera hunt!

It turns out it was relatively easy for Diega and Corky to travel here by ferry. We hope they will come back soon.

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