Walter and I traveled to Greensboro, North Carolina last month to visit his mother and her husband Lee. Walter's brother Rusty and his wife Cathy drove up from Florida too, and we had a great time visiting. It was just so good to see everyone.
I will write a little more about the trip and share some family photos soon. In the meantime, I wanted to share one special evening of our visit.
Lee has played with a bluegrass band for several years. One evening while we were there the band came over and played music around the dining room table. We had the pleasure of meeting a couple of really fun neighbor ladies - Angie and Patsy - who live on either side of Walter's mother and Lee. They came over to enjoy the music.
The band is called Crabgrass (like "bluegrass", get it?). It was impossible not to at least tap your toe while they played. Of course I had to take some video so I could share with all of you.
What you see below is a YouTube player. I recorded 6 songs. When you click Play it will play them one after the other (with credits in between), you don't have to tell it to move on to the next video. Of course if you don't want to see more just press the Pause button.
I think I did a pretty good job of keeping the camera still - I didn't have a tripod and it's not easy to shoot video while tapping your toe! You will see Lee on the far right of the video. He's wearing the dark cap. I hope you will enjoy this "bluegrass concert" half as much as we did in North Carolina.
I want to say a special thanks to Lee, Henry, Bob, Jimmy and Jerry for the toe-tapping fun.
I will be away from the computer for about a week, so the next new posts will come after I return.
So you want to have three?
"Three is the new two" responded a friend of mine when soliciting feedback
on the idea of adding another child to our flourishing brood. Later on, I
came t...
11 years ago