There were LOTS of people at this party. Boyboy and Roxanne (Niko's parents) have a nice sized home and it was full. Many people were in every room, and there were folks outside on the lawn and even in the garage. It was a lot to take in for little Niko. He was a trooper though and stayed well behaved throughout. He took a little siesta partway through and came back rejuvenated after only a 5 minute nap. I wish 5 minutes were all I needed to return to full energy!
As is the case for all Filipino parties there was lots and lots of good food. Boyboy makes a great meatloaf and he also put together a yummy tilapia dish. There was lasagna, pancit (Filipino noodle dish), lumpia (like eggrolls) and lots more. Of course there were desserts from birthday cake to leche flan (yum) and finger jello.
Walter and I really enjoyed visiting with everyone. It is not often enough that we get to see folks on this side of the family. We had a great visit and enjoyed seeing how big little Niko is getting! In fact here are a few pictures.
Here is Niko pre-birthday cupcake:

With brother Jevandre. Enjoying the cupcake.

Hanging out with Grandpa:

Relaxing with Grandma:

You can see more of the party pictures at this link.
Happy Birthday Niko. Don't grow up too fast!
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