Walter's corneal specialist had been trying to wean him down on the prednisolone because it can elevate one's eye pressure and Walter has significant problems with glaucoma. Finally his eye pressure became dangerously high and he was referred to the glaucoma specialist and had surgery in October.
Now that the valve implant for Walter's glaucoma is working well to control his eye pressure his doctor was able to return his dose of prednisolone to three times a day. What difference. At the end of December we were quite discouraged about the prospects for Walter's sight. Today is a different matter. On Friday Walter was able to see the big E at the top of the eye chart!
The last time his sight was quite this good was last summer. Of course the eyesight is still not at the best we've seen since his corneal transplant, but it's good enough to make a huge difference in how Walter can function and move around independently.
Speaking for myself I am quite relieved and grateful that the medication made this much difference. To be honest I was not sure if we would see the Big E back again.
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