It can be fun to talk to people in elevators. It is my opinion that we as a society are too isolated from one another. Especially in the big cities (like Seattle) people don't talk to strangers at all. We are lacking a certain connectedness people used to have with one another. Of course it's not that way everywhere. People in smaller towns and some other states can be quite friendly on the street or any place they meet up with a stranger.
In order to do my part to change this just a little bit, I like to talk to people in elevators. If I get in an elevator and there is one other female in there, 90 percent of the time I make a point to talk to her. Sometimes I chat about the weather, sometimes I'll compliment her on her bag or cute outfit, or generally talk about something going on in the world or just in the building that day. People almost always react in a very positive manner. They are happy that someone took a moment to say something kind, and sometimes they take the conversation even further.
About a week ago I was riding up in the elevator and got stopped when a tall and striking woman got on. She had a fabulous long cardigan sweater on with beautiful ruffling all the way down the front. Very dramatic. I started up a conversation with her about it. It was a really fun chat and she seemed really happy to get the compliment. When she stepped out on her arrival floor she told me "you made my day!" And of course I was happy with that little moment of connection as well.
On Friday I got on the elevator in the middle of the afternoon to go down and get something to eat. It was late and I hadn't gotten lunch yet. The elevator stopped to let someone on. This time it was a male. Judging by his attire (suit and briefcase) and the fact he was coming from a law firm floor I suspected him to be an attorney. He no sooner got on the elevator than he said to me "You SMELL good!" ?!!
I was totally surprised. And at first I didn't know what to say in response. So I stammered "are you sure that it's me?!" He replied "well something smells good!" Then after a moment he added "it smells like candy. Something smells like candy!" While he was making these exclamations someone else got on the elevator. I tried to think what he could be talking about while doing my own inhale/smell test. Sure enough, something smelled good. But shoot, I've been smelling that all day. Wait ... that means it probably IS me! It was then that I remembered.
When I arrived at the office that morning I decided to use a room spray in my office. I have a collection of 4 sprays. I thought it would be festive to use the Christmas scent, but in my sleep-deprived state I had grabbed the gardenia one. I sprayed it up in the air, but of course the scent landed on me. When I realized it was the room scent that had been following me around all day, I explained what had happened to the guy in the elevator. He just kept exclaiming "Smells good!" and "Smells like candy." Too funny!!
Regardless of the scent, it was a really fun bit of human contact and this time someone else made MY day. I think I laughed to myself all the way down the street.
Of course I don't talk to people who have their eyes and thumbs glued to a Blackberry or other mobile device. I usually think "I sure hope that's a very important email you're reading because you don't know what else you might be missing out on." I feel a little sorry for them.
When was the last time you spoke to someone in an elevator? Or if you don't ride elevators, how about a store clerk? Or any stranger you meet in a day?
So you want to have three?
"Three is the new two" responded a friend of mine when soliciting feedback
on the idea of adding another child to our flourishing brood. Later on, I
came t...
11 years ago
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