I've been slow to post any updates lately. Seems like life is always hectic. Monday was our regular day to go to Olympia and help Mom. She had a doctor appointment that day. What was unusual is that there was also quite a windstorm which struck with particular ferocity in Thurston County where she lives. When we got there we were greeted by limbs strewn about her yard and driveway.

Here are some of the trees next to Mom's driveway that caused all the debris.

Mom's power was out. That didn't stop us from taking her to her doctor's appointment though ... where the power was also out! Fortunately for us they were still open for business but the doctor didn't have access to the chart notes on his computer. Also the lab was closed because they couldn't see well enough to take blood.
When we got back from doctor appointments the power was back on. Yay! Mom's neighbor buddy Tyler came over to check on her.

How's she doing? Well as you can see she needs to eat more. But other than that she's doing okay. On Monday we meet with the folks from the Meals on Wheels program. I hope that will work well and help her to gain some weight.
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