To give a quick update on my Mom and her leg troubles, she's hanging in there. So far the problem seems to be getting worse, not better. She is pretty discouraged because sometimes she can barely move around her home. I confirmed that the x-rays were negative for any breaks or fractures. It's a groin muscle pull.
One of my coworkers tells me that she had exactly the same injury a couple months ago and it was the most painful thing she's ever felt. She also said Mom should not be walking around on her leg. But try and get her to stay off it, that's another trick. Here is an example:
I told Mom I was going to wash her sheets for her on Monday. When I talked to her today she asked me if I could also remove the bedding for her. Well of course, that's the whole reason I wanted to do it! She should not be doing physical things on her feet like removing bedding. Why did she ask that? Well because of course she tried to do it herself and found out she couldn't. Yikes! That's the kind of thing that makes me worry she will injure herself worse before she can heal.
Yesterday we made a decision to switch Mom's physical therapy to a clinic which will send a therapist to her house. I hesitated to make that change because she really likes her current physical therapist. But she said I could do what I want and the new PT clinic will also do an in-home evaluation of how safe she is in her home and possibly give recommendations to make that option as safe as possible. That's something we can use help with. I think she will take the advice of a professional more seriously than she will me telling her to stay off her feet.
The earliest a therapist can come to her house is Sunday. I'm planning to be there so I can meet the new therapist and ask a bunch of questions that have been on my mind. Hopefully this will be the start of a turnaround.
So you want to have three?
"Three is the new two" responded a friend of mine when soliciting feedback
on the idea of adding another child to our flourishing brood. Later on, I
came t...
11 years ago
'Just took a minute to read your blog. I have been praying for your Mom and will continue to do so. The in-home therapist sounds like a great idea for all the reasons you stated, Carm. Good move!!! :-)
Thanks for your prayers and well wishes for Mom, Colette. She's having a hard time right now so we're wishing for a turnaround very soon!
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