The good news is that the medicine is working to take care of my mom's eye infection. I think her eye is almost back to normal now. I will see her tomorrow and can make sure then.
Unfortunately her back is still quite painful and giving her fits. She is having a hard time getting around and she's still in constant pain. The pain meds aren't helping and so far neither is the physical therapy (although she has only had a couple treatments so far).
Tomorrow I take Mom to physical therapy and foot doctor appointments, then on Tuesday she goes back to her regular doctor. He's going to be on vacation for a month so I hope he can do something to make progress on the back issue for Mom. Perhaps another medication? Perhaps an MRI to see what could be causing this? I don't know. Her X-rays from a week or so ago showed no changes since 1999 so the problem does not appear to be skeletal.
We're hoping and praying for some kind of resolution for her pain soon.
Tuesday 7/31 Update: Mom had a good appointment today. She is finally reporting that the pain has lessened a bit in her back. She has a long ways to go though. Today she saw her doctor and he gave her some better pain medicine and he also gave her a shot of something like Novacain. So far the shot doesn't seem to have helped. We'll see how she feels in the next day or so. He thinks what will help the most is ongoing physical therapy. Mom's goal is to be pain free and to have me drive her to Roseburg, Oregon (southernmost area of Oregon). She knows I won't take her until her back is better. It looks like it will be some time before we can go but hopefully we will get there.
So you want to have three?
"Three is the new two" responded a friend of mine when soliciting feedback
on the idea of adding another child to our flourishing brood. Later on, I
came t...
11 years ago
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