Walter took a tumble this evneing while on his daily walk. He was walking past the local community college and tripped on one of those places where there's a split in the sidewalk (one paver higher than the other). He fell forward first, skinned up both hands and knees, ripped both knees of his pants, then fell back on his backside. And his biggest complaint/worry was THE PANTS!! He's been saying we need to go to North Bend outlet mall and buy him some new pants, and now this. I don't care about the pants for crying out loud!
I'm probably a little more protective than most wives in this situation because of his eyesight. I'm always wondering what activities are safe for him to do. He walks all the time and never has a problem, so I guess I shouldn't worry. But jeez!
He cleaned his wounds with alcohol (ouch!) and since he "didn't get to finish" his walk he's going back out to do the rest.
So you want to have three?
"Three is the new two" responded a friend of mine when soliciting feedback
on the idea of adding another child to our flourishing brood. Later on, I
came t...
11 years ago
If you head to the outlet mall this weekend, give us a call (or email)! It would be a good opportunity for you to take your own pictures of Elena because unfortunately we'll be out of town the weekend of the intern dinner.
Yowch! Careful out there Walter!
Thanks Elliott! Walter's going to be okay, he's healing well. I love your profile photo - very colorful.
Kristina - Thanks for the comment! You bet, let's try to get together Monday.
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