This year it turns out that my mother is required to file taxes so I got to fill out the forms for her. It was a little scary because I haven't done it in a long time. But fortunately I had all the paperwork I needed and I got it done in about an hour and half today.
Many of my friends tell me I should have used TurboTax. Also I notice the IRS is big on electronic filing. For some reason it kind of bugs me that it no longer seems acceptable to just fill out the forms and send them in on paper without intervention of an automated tax program. I didn't feel like I needed a special program, and it makes me a little nervous to let some software program fill it out for me. I don't know, maybe I'll try that next year.
I'm going to use an accountant starting this year. I was amazed to learn that only 13% of Americans who file taxes work it out on paper and pencil by themselves. But this year it got complicated, and next year it'll be more so.
Good for you, Carm. I'm so glad to hear that you got your taxes, and your Mom's, done before the last hour! Hip, Hip, Hooray for You!!
That is very interesting to hear your views on filing electronically. Our computer-friendly friend has a desire to do it with paper, hmmm. Your points are valid and something to seriously think about...
Signed, yours forever on paper,
Colette :-)
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