It was kind of a rough week for me healthwise. Early in the week I finally succumbed to a cold that had been coming on for some time. That was pretty miserable for a few days.
Just as the cold was at its worst I managed to pull a muscle in my back. The pain made it hard to sleep, and finally on Thursday I took a day off work to recover.
On Friday as my cold was feeling better I broke out in hives. I've had one incident in the past where the hives turned into an emergency anaphylaxis situation, so it was a little scary because I didn't have my epi pen on me like I'm supposed to. Anithistamines, remaining calm and relaxed, and resisting the urge to scratch the itchies did the trick though and the bumps stayed at a manageable level until they finally disappeared in the evening.
Last night I had my first good sleep without awakening to back pain and today I'm just appreciating feeling well. I hope all of you out there are feeling well too.
So you want to have three?
"Three is the new two" responded a friend of mine when soliciting feedback
on the idea of adding another child to our flourishing brood. Later on, I
came t...
11 years ago
1 comment:
Ick, I'm sorry to read you weren't feeling well. Health is an underestimated asset, yes.
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