... a space for recording daily events, notes, ruminations and reflections
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Nikka and Family
As promised, here are some pictures I got in the mail as part of a Christmas greeting from my friends Wayne, Michelle and Nikka. You can click on the photos to see them larger.
Nikka is the little Christmas angel, and Wayne and Michelle are her Mom and Dad. What a beautiful family.
So you want to have three?
"Three is the new two" responded a friend of mine when soliciting feedback
on the idea of adding another child to our flourishing brood. Later on, I
came t...
Quotes from Gretchen Rubin's Happiness Project
If I had thought of creating a Misery Project, and consciously worked to
make myself miserable, I would be a trememndous success.
When one quotes from a la...
Pismo Beach, CA--Sun, Sand and Fun!
Here are some highlights of the trip to Pismo.
Finding decorations for our yet-to-be-made sand castle with
Mom and Great-Grandma. Mom also found a shirt.
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