Clay and I had a great time in Vancouver. We spent all day Friday at the PNE, which is a lot like Western Washington's Puyallup Fair but with more live entertainment. We pretty much wore ourselves out and decided not to stay for the late evening shows.
However we did see a very impressive trampoline show.

We went through an exhibit called the Splendid Lanterns of Taiwan featuring lots of beautifully illuminated figures such as this butterfly.

There were some awesome carvings from the International Sand Sculpture Competition. Check out this Sasquatch sneaking up on a hunter.

We also took in the Iams Superdogs show and some of the Vancouver Star Discovery talent show. All in all it was a really fun time.
On Saturday we visited Vancouver's very impressive aquarium in Stanley Park before heading home.
We saw some really big fish there. These are freshwater fish from the Amazon where everything is oversized.

And we saw some beautiful small fish as well...

We also enjoyed checking out turtles, butterflies, sharks, beluga whales and a caiman (similar to an alligator).
To see more pictures from both the PNE and the Aquarium go
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