Well I called up Saturn and they told me that either the battery was bad or (more likely I believe) the alternator was going out. They advised me not to drive the car until I can bring it in. Well no problem, when can I bring it in? Today?? Nope. How about a week from today. They couldn't give me an appointment until next Tuesday!
This is when I feel fortunate to live in Seattle where bus transportation is easy and I can get everywhere I need to go without my car. The North Bend trip will have to wait a little bit, and we will be using a couple rolling carts similar to the one pictured to get our groceries tomorrow night. Thankfully the weather is nice and we will just be getting a little more exercise than usual.
I do like that we can walk to things. Last night both of us realized we hadn't bought anniversary cards and/or gifts for each other. I showed him a Website and pointed at an item and he bought it. Then we all walked to Northgate Mall, and I bought his present within five minutes. We bought cards.
We went to DQ and I thought of you. Then we walked back.
Christina, Happy Annniversary to you!
That sounds like a great way to celebrate - a fun family outing.
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