On Wednesday when Clay went back to the doctor he was told that the extra applications of artificial tears helped the moisture levels in his eye but not enough. So the doctor put in what is called a contact bandage - a simple non-corrective soft contact lens. This is one that could stay in for up to a month so no worries about taking it out and putting it back in and losing the thing in the process.
The doctor had some concern that the lens might come out because the curvature of Clay's eye is different from most. But once he got it in there he thought it fit pretty well. The first couple days after getting the lens Clay experienced some discomfort from his lower eyelid rubbing against the edge of the lens. There was also a decrease in eyesight on top of poor sight to begin with. The last couple of days though the discomfort has gone away and a little of the sight has returned. But we're not sure if the thing fell out!
I looked into his eye trying to find edges of the contact, but I couldn't see it. He goes back on Wednesday so we'll have to see what the doctor says...
So you want to have three?
"Three is the new two" responded a friend of mine when soliciting feedback
on the idea of adding another child to our flourishing brood. Later on, I
came t...
11 years ago
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