Sunday, January 01, 2006

The Drowned Rat Look

It looks like Seattle's weather has made a return to rainy normal. Usually when we get rain it’s pretty misty and drizzly. If you are not going far an umbrella is generally not necessary. But today it rained hard.

This afternoon I left my office (without my umbrella) to get some lunch down the street. It was dry when I left, but before I reached McDonalds (about 4 blocks away) the drops were falling hard. I got my lunch and headed back to the office. It was really raining hard by this time, and I was getting pretty soaked. The water was streaming down my face, and I couldn’t worry about seeing through my glasses. My sole focus was getting back to the office as quickly as I could.

About halfway back to the office something happened to distract me from that purpose. The McDonalds bag I was carrying lost its bottom and my lunch fell onto the sidewalk! Now that’s wet. I grabbed the sandwich – who knows where the fries went, and finished the trek back. That’s the kind of situation you can only laugh at. What can I say … that’s Happy New Year Seattle style!

I told my husband this story, but I don’t think he will believe it until he sees this picture of me as he puts it “wringing wet.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My goodness Carm, you really got WET!!! Didn't know a trip to McD's could be such an adventure but I would have to agree it has been very rainy here lately! 'Hope you had dry clothes at the office to get you through the afternoon! :-)