Monday, July 14, 2008

Elliott's Two!

The 6th of July was our small friend Elliott's birthday. It's hard to believe, but Elliott is two years old! His folks Doxey and Cynthia threw him a great birthday party.

There was homemade pizza, some of it made by Elliott and his little friends - Yum!! Instead of a big birthday cake, there were these wonderful little mini-cupcakes for Elliott and all of his friends. As you will see in the pictures Elliott enjoyed them. For the big people there were ... big cupcakes of course!

We had a great time visiting with Elliott's friends and family. Elliott's grandparents were visiting from New York. Friends Todd, Wendy and baby Lilli were there. It's always good to see them. And of course lots of other nice folks.

Doxey (Elliott's dad) gave us the grand tour of the family garden while we were there. We saw everything from lettuce for salad to hops that reached the roof to fields (mini-fields?) of wheat, barley and oats!

To see more photos from the party click on the picture of Elliott above. You can click any photo in the album to start your tour then use the Next and Prev links to navigate.

Thank you to Doxey and Cynthia for inviting us to join in the fun. Happy Birthday Elliott, you're a big boy now!


Elliott said...

Thanks for coming to my party Carm! And Walter too! Great pictures. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Those WERE GREAT PICTURES, Carm!! Excellent photography. :-)

Those shots certainly portrayed that everyone had a good time at Elliott's 2nd Birthday Party!
