Monday, January 09, 2006

Northwest Sky?

I count myself very fortunate to work in an office building with a direct line of sight view of the Space Needle. We have offices on the 28th and 29th floors, and if you walk down one of the halls you can look through an attorney's office window and see the view pictured here.

There are times in Seattle where we experience what Clay and I like to call "a Northwest sky." It's when a view may look very dramatic because a majority of the sky is dark, gloomy and ominous with clouds, and at the same time in another part of the sky the sun is shining bright.

Just a few minutes before I took this picture we had such a northwest sky. The background was dark and gloomy as you see here, but the sun shone through some clouds and lit up the Space Needle so it shone bright and white against the dark backdrop. I ran to get the camera, but unfortunately the sun was covered over too quickly.

Still, I like this shot. When I took it I don't even know if I was aware of the orchid in the picture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I remember seeing the Space Needle through FLN's window, maybe (but it's been 5 years). Have enjoyed reading your intuitive postings and seeing your pictures, Carm. I'm glad to have a name to give to that special sky (Northwest Sky).