Each year my friends Jim and Kristina bring their little girl Elena to my office on Halloween. Jim works just upstairs and when they go to visit dad's office it's usually convenient for them to stop by at my office for a visit too. This year Elena came with her little brother Zachary. They were in costume, of course. Zachary was dressed as a bat and Elena came as a poodle. Very cute!

And speaking of cute, we were also fortunate to have our first Halloween visit from Todd and Wendy's little girl Lilli. She made an adorable strawberry in her little red outfit.

The little ones were the talk of the office of course and everybody enjoyed seeing them. I took a bunch of pictures and had trouble picking the best ones. You can head over to my Webshots album
here to see all the pics. Just click on one picture to enlarge, and you can use Next and Prev from there to see the rest. Or, for easy viewing you can see an automated slideshow
Thank you to Elena, Zachary and Lilli for coming to visit. We love seeing you!
My apologies to the parents for taking so long to post these. Sometimes life gets in the way of updating the blog. Enjoy!