Clay got me a digital camera for my birthday!! My birthday isn't for another couple weeks but the camera I wanted was on sale so Clay decided to get it for me early. This is a Canon PowerShot A530. With the online order we got a free 256mb memory card which should do us for a while.
I've thought about getting a digital camera for years, but I resisted because my print camera takes such good photos. I had not been able to master the rhythm of the one digital camera I've used, and more often than not those pictures come out fuzzy. This new camera is easier for me for some reason. Every picture I've taken so far has looked great. I'm still playing with it so the verdict is still out, but so far I'm quite happy.
I like that this camera comes with a cord that allows me to plug it directly into the television and see on the TV what I see in the LCD screen. That should make it easy to show a room full of people any pictures. We've also figured out how to use a function where you can take a still photo and lay down up to 60 seconds of audio on top of it. Great for taking notes.
I don't intend to abandon the print camera entirely, but I think I will get caught up on developing all those rolls of film laying around the house before I take more.