Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Curious George

If you have any little kids or you are just a kid at heart, I highly recommend you see the movie Curious George. I went with my husband, my Mom and my sister Jozi on Monday. That movie is so CUTE!! And the little monkey expresses an incredible amount of personality without uttering a single word. It's a darling movie with great happy music. Go see it!!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Good Eyesight Checkup

Clay had a checkback with his eye surgeon on Wednesday. The doctor says healing is progressing really well. Everything looks good and the eye pressure is fine.

Clay reports that his closeup vision is pretty good but distance is not so great. His vision overall is much more consistent than it was for a while, which is a good thing. The doctor is not really concerned with vision issues right now because so much healing must still take place. He said it is to be expected that Clay's vision will get better and worse with the process and we shouldn't worry much about it until the healing is complete.

Clay gets to cut back a little on one of his medications. He goes back in another month.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Big Smile

Four dentist appointments, a broken temporary and two crowns later I think my dental work is done for now. It's hard to believe I broke two teeth within 6 months of each other - one on either side of my mouth. Now that everything is done I can smile big for photographs once more.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Jozi Got a Job!

My sister Jozi has been looking for a job for a very long time. It seems like applying for jobs has become her full-time job. Well last week it paid off. She has been hired for a new job starting tomorrow with the state. This is a temporary assignment (3 months I think). I hope she enjoys it and maybe she will meet someone there who can help her get a permanent position. Good luck Jozi!

Seahawk Nails

I think everyone knows by now that the Seahawks did not win the Superbowl on Sunday. Their fans love them anyway. My friend and coworker Terri got her nails done to show her support for the Hawks. Check these out:

Just amazing. Now that is a fan!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Dick and Colette

"Dick and Colette." In my mind those two names go together without question or hesitation. If you have Colette you have Dick, and vice versa. They are a team and always will be.

Colette has been my dear friend since she came to work at the law firm where I work starting about 20 years ago. She has long since left this firm, but we remained close. She married Dick her soulmate 12 years ago and they have been inseparable ever since. Dick and Colette are the sweetest couple you would ever want to meet. I don’t think I know any two people who are more faithful servants of the Lord.

On Tuesday night I got an email message from Colette reporting that Dick was called home to be with Jesus earlier that day. Dick was 90 years old at his passing. He did not suffer long and he was ready to go. Colette will miss him greatly but takes comfort in the knowledge that he is with the Lord.

Dick and Colette had a tradition of having Valentine’s Day dinner at the Old Country Buffet. The Old Country Buffet serves free dinner on Valentine’s to any couple that has been married for 50 years or more. Even though Dick and Colette did not officially qualify in that group, they enjoyed celebrating with others who knew the joys of a long and successful marriage. The picture above is of Dick and Colette at the Old Country Buffet last Valentine’s.

This Valentine’s Dick and Colette will not be together physically, but they will always be together in spirit.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you Colette at this difficult time. You are loved by many.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Blow Me Down

We in Western Washington were hit with quite a windstorm yesterday. In the wintertime it is not unusual for us to have windstorms, but I understand this one was the worst since 1999. Parts of the state got gusts up to 78 mph, although most areas saw no more than about 50 mph gusts. Yesterday was a work day for me as I generally work Saturdays. The storm blew in in the wee hours of the morning and stayed with us for most of the day. My drive to the office was interesting. Fortunately most everyone was driving the freeway a little slower than normal because of the winds. I could definitely feel the pull as the wind buffeted my car side to side. The worst was driving over the Ship Canal bridge where there is a crosswind. I made it in okay though.

I had a little extra "edge" of anxiety added to my work day. My office is on the 28th floor of a high-rise building. The winds were strong coming in off Elliott Bay and from my office the winds sounded like a freight train. Not so loud as in a hurricane, but loud enough to keep me a little anxious all day. Accompanying the sound of the wind was the constant creak of the building and the rattle of my pictures against the wall. Of course all this was amplified by the absence of the normal noise of other people working during the day - on Saturdays I work pretty much alone.

At lunchtime I didn't want to go out in the weather, but I didn't bring a lunch and needed to go get a sandwich. Walking along Third Avenue was pretty windy, but not too bad until I hit the cross streets. The cross streets are the west-east streets that form a nice tunnel for the winds coming off Elliott Bay and up the hill. It was hard to stand up on the street corners, so people hurried across as soon as they could. In front of my building I came across this object lying on the ground. Can you tell what it is? At first I thought it was a TV antenna or something.

No, that's what happens when you bring an umbrella out in a windstorm. There's not a stitch of fabric left!

We were lucky that the power did not go out in my office or at my home. But 200,000 homes were not so lucky. Then of course the most worrisome question on people's minds was "will the power be back on in time for us to watch the Seahawks in the Superbowl??" The winds quieted way down by evening and power was restored to most people by Sunday morning so only a few had to find another place to watch the game.

At the peak of the storm they had to close the Hood Canal Bridge (on the peninsula to the west of Seattle) and the 520 bridge in Seattle (first time in 9 years they had to do that). Some ferry service was halted although not enough. One ferry crossing was a little too much of an adventure for some - a front window blew out in the main cabin!

The most damage came from trees down everywhere. Trees that went through homes (no one was hurt, thankfully) and trees over roadways snarling traffic.

Most of the area made it through okay, though. The nice thing about this storm is that it blew the rain clouds away from us for a few days. We are looking forward to several days of nice sunny weather before the rain clouds return.